David Pun Conducting Workshops for Labour Department’s Youth Employment Start (Y.E.S.)



Youth Employment Start (Y.E.S.), funded by HKSAR Government’s Labour Department, is intended to be a one-stop employment platform where young people will find support to meet their different employment needs, to enhance their employability as well as to facilitate their sustainable development in employment. Upon the invitation of The Evangelical Church of Hong Kong, Operating Organization of Y.E.S.’s Kwai Fong Centre, David Pun designed and conducted a two-session workshop in the “Self-Employed Series” on marketing strategy and sales techniques for prospective self-employed youth age 15 to 29:


13 November 2008 (Thursday) - Self-Employed Series Lesson 6 Marketing Strategy
17 November 2008 (Monday) - Self-Employed Series Lesson 7 Sales Techniques


Both sessions were held in Y.E.S. Kwai Fong Centre from 19:00 to 21:30. Over 50 youngsters,many of whom already working full-time in various business sectors including apparel, electronic parts, manufacturing, IT, event management and entertainment attended these two sessions which aimed at equipping the participants with skills needed to succeed in different businesses as self-employed individuals


香港特別行政區政府轄下的勞工處資助的「青年就業起點」(Y.E.S.),是一個迎合青年人口味的聚腳地,透過切合青年人需要的個人化服務 ,提升他們的就業能力,協助他們在勞動市場打好根基,達至持續發展。 潘國樑應Y.E.S.葵芳中心營運機構基督教香港信義會的邀請,設計及主持Y.E.S「自僱系列」 內一連兩課的「市場策略及銷售技巧工作坊」,對象是15至29歲的青年人:


2008年11月13日(星期四)-「自僱系列」第六課 市場策略

2008年11月17日(星期一)-「自僱系列」第七課 銷售技巧


兩課都是於19:00 to 21:30在Y.E.S. 葵芳中心舉行。 超過50名青年人參加此培訓課程,其中有很多位已任職不同行業為全職員工,包括時裝、電子零件、製造業、資訊科技、活動管理及娛樂事業,目標是透過此課程在技術方面裝備自己,務求在不同行業中以自僱人士身份取得成就。



David Pun setting the scene for the twin workshops, encouraging the participants to raise questions and share their own experiences.


David urging the students to learn from the marketing strategies adopted by the global top 10 brands which have driven them to repeat outstanding performances year after year.


The prospective young entrepreneurs discussing in small groups the naming and positioning of a brand for a product or service they had decided to launch and a relevant slogan for its promotion


A small group getting ready to present their brand name, positioning statement and slogan.


A spokesman sharing his team’s brand building strategy with the class


This team received the highest number of votes for “Best Presentation” from the class and won the prize.


A team role-playing as a supplier selling a product in a meeting with a potential buyer.


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