Prosmart Management Consultants Guangzhou Company Limited’s Director Attending Guangzhou - Hong Kong Modern Service Cooperation Conference



As invited by the Guangzhou Municipal Government, Augustine Tsang, Director of Prosmart Management Consultants Guangzhou Company Limited, attended the Guangzhou – Hong Kong Modern Service Cooperation Conference held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 20 August 2009 under which key government officials of Guangzhou and Hong Kong were present to share their vision to foster “Deep Cooperation” and “Creative Development” between the two cities, along with outlining the development plan of Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta as well as the business opportunities created, especially to the service industries, and how the two cities can complement each other under the enlarged market to create win-win situation in the midst of increasing globalisation and competitions from nearby regions.

由廣州市人民政府主辦,廣州綽越管理顧問有限公司董事曾志祥獲邀出席於2009年8月20日在香港會議展覽中心舉行的「穗港現代服務業合作交流大會」,兩地的主要政府官員除分享兩地促進彼此‘深度合作 • 創新發展’的愿景外,亦同時勾劃廣州市及珠江三角州的發展藍圖,創建的商機,特別是服務業,以及兩地如何在日益加劇的全球一體化及區域競爭中透過兩地的優勢互補及擴大的市場規模下創造雙贏局面。

Convener of the Guanghzou – Hong Kong Modern Service Cooperation Conference declared the official opening of the conference under which the “Deep Cooperation • Creative Development” theme between Guangzhou and Hong Kong was addressed.

大會主持人宣佈以構建穗港兩地‘深度合作 • 創新發展’為主題的「穗港現代服務業合作交流大會」正式開幕。

Agenda of the conference where key officials of Guangzhou and Hong Kong to present their vision on “Deep Cooperation • Creative Development”, how this can be achieved, how the two cities can complement each other and the opportunities available in conjunction with the rapid development of Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta.

大會的議程包括兩地的主要政府官員分享‘深度合作 • 創新發展’的愿景, 如何達致兩地在優勢互補的情況下發掘廣州及珠江三角州在高速發展中所帶來的商機。

Mrs. Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan JP, Secretary for Business and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government, making her welcome speech at the conference.


Mr. Zhang Guang-ning, mayor of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, highlighted Guanghzou’s current development state, infrastructure development and environmental protection, modern service development of Guangzhou and Hong Kong and their complementary relationships.


Mr. Augustine Tsang represented Prosmart Management Consultants Guangzhou Company Limited at the conference.


New town models highlighting infrastructure projects and future town planning of Guangzhou to support its development of modern service industry.


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