Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Category Management Seminar

「高效消費者回應」組織 (ECR) 專題介绍「貨品類別管理」


David Pun, Learning & Business Development Director and Kelly Fung, Senior Consultant of Prosmart Consultants Limited were invited as guest speakers at GS1 Hong Kong’s Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Hong Kong Training Workshops 2008 on 14 August 2008. They jointly conducted a session on “Category Management”.

綽越顧問有限公司榮獲香港貨品編碼協會(Hong Kong GS1)邀請於2008年8月14日(星期四)在其舉辦的國際供應鏈權威「高效消費者回應」組織(ECR)香港區培訓工作坊為嘉賓講者, 由學習及業務發展董事潘國樑與高級顧問馮祿強專題介绍「貨品類別管理」

David Pun welcoming all participants, stressing the objective of this session is to have a clear understanding of the desirable mindset for successful implementation of Category Management.

潘國樑歡迎各參與者出席, 並強調這講座的目的是瞭解如要「貨品類別管理」推行成功,各有關部門成員須具備的工作態度。

David Pun introducing Kelly Fung to share his abundant experience in transforming various teams of traditional buyers into effective category managers


Highlighting the key areas of Category Management from understanding the market and lifestyles of customers to providing services and products to satisfy their needs.


Procurement and logistics executives of major local and multinational suppliers and retailers are among the participants.


Pointing out that the goal of Category Management, a key function within Supply Chain Management, is to maximize consumer satisfaction through collaboration of suppliers and retailers.

指出推行供應鏈管理的主要功能 -「貨品類別管理」,目標是透過供應商與零售商的緊密合作,盡量滿足消費者。

Category Management is presented as the function of optimizing assortment, new product introductions and promotions to create consumer value with the support of effective technology and full integration with operations and logistics.


Kelly Fung highlighting the job specification of a category manager as opposed to a traditional buyer


Kelly Fung presenting the 11 Essential Steps in implementing Category Management compiled based on his own experience.


Explaining why good relationships among the three core teams of a retail business, i.e., Category Management, Operations and Logistics (smooth as if they are within a circle) is crucial to implementing Category Management successfully.


David Pun and Kelly Fung taking a question from the audience on how to transform traditional restaurant procurement into category management.


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