Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Seminar - How to Increase Forecast Accuracy

高效消費者回應 (ECR) 專題介绍 - 「如何提高预测準確性」


David Pun, Learning & Business Development Director and Joshua Suen, Senior Consultant of Prosmart Consultants Limited were invited as guest speakers at GS1 Hong Kong's Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Hong Kong Training Workshops 2009 on 19 August 2009. They jointly conducted a session on “How to increase forecast accuracy”.

綽越顧問有限公司榮獲香港貨品編碼協會(GS1 Hong Kong)邀請於2009年8月19日(星期三)在其舉辦的國際供應鏈權威「高效消費者回應」組織(ECR)香港區培訓工作坊為嘉賓講者, 由學習及業務發展董事潘國樑與高級顧問孫永耀專題介绍「如何提高预测準確性」。

Heidi Ho, Senior Supply Chain Management Consultant of GS1 Hong Kong welcoming all participants with a brief introduction of GS1 Hong Kong’s Membership Composition and the services provided to Hong Kong businesses.

香港貨品編碼協會高級供應鏈管理顧問何雅賢歡迎各參與者出席, 並簡略介紹協會成員及為香港各業界所提供的服務。

David Pun introducing the title of his presentation stressing that forecast accuracy refers to sales forecast.


Highlighting the contents of the presentation focusing on the importance of forecast accuracy in inventory management.


Sharing knowledge of how local and international best practices forecast sales based on store level SKU sales data and variable treatments for different stages of product life cycle.


Vendor Managed Inventory (“VMI”) introduced as a tool commonly used by best practices to minimize out-of-stocks.


Joshua Suen citing a real experience in forecasting volume for the launch of a new product to show how collaborative mindset among internal and external stakeholders has a strong impact on increasing forecast accuracy.


Joshua Suen highlighting the forecasting tools deployed by best practices in achieving highest accuracy possible.


Sales/Procurement and logistics executives of major local and multinational suppliers and retailers are among the participants.


Category Management is presented as the function of optimizing assortment, new product introductions and promotions to create consumer value with the support of effective technology and full integration with operations and logistics.


Pointing out that the goal of Category Management, a key function within Supply Chain Management, is to maximize consumer satisfaction, i.e., ensuring the right products are in the right place at the right time and at a price acceptable to the consumers, through collaboration of suppliers and retailers.

指出推行供應鏈管理的主要功能 -「貨品類別管理」,目標是透過供應商與零售商的緊密合作,盡量滿足消費者,即保證以消費者可接受的價格在恰當地點及恰當時間提供恰當商品。

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