Prosmart's Presentation at International Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Expo 2007



Prosmart made a presentation entitled “Project Management in IT Project – Maximizing Efficiency and Minimizing Value Leakage” at International ICT Expo Exhibitors' Forum on 14 April 2007 to interested visitors. Augustine Tsang, Prosmart's Director addressed the crowd on why effective project management is a key success factor in implementing IT projects.

綽越在「國際資訊科技博覽2007」參展其間,於4月14日在參展商講場舉行了一個介紹會,題目是「資訊科技項目的項目管理: 盡量提升效率及減低價值外漏」,吸引了不少有興趣人士到場參加。 綽越的董事曾志祥向眾人講解為何有效率的項目管理是實施資訊科技項目的成功要素。

Setting the scene and agenda for the presentation on "Maximizing Efficiency Improvement and Minimizing Value Leakage in IT Project Management" is Agustine Tsang, Director on the first day of the International ICT Expo 2007.

董事曾志祥就在「國際資訊科技博覽2007」主講的「資訊科技項目的項目管理: 盡量提升效率及減低價值外漏」作開場白及介紹講座內容。

Highlighting the value of IT projects in business efficiency improvement, cost reduction and decision making enhancement.


Sharing statistics on succeeded, semi-succeeded and failed IT projects, along with their underlying cost implications compared with non-IT projects.


Explaining the importance of identifying business case and future business requirements in defining the functional and technical requirements of evaluating and selecting software in the pre-implementation phase.


Presenting the key phases of IT project implementation.         


Audience being led through the steps of the whole Project Management process in IT projects from thought to completion.


Sharing the Top 10 Factors underlying semi-success/failed projects as shown in statistics.


Key Success Factors: Top 3 accounted for 50% of successful projects, including the importance of an experienced project manager as a transformation leader in driving process change and delivery of business benefits, along with knowing the business dynamics, complexities of IT projects and change management.

主要成功因素:一半專案的成功都是由首三位決定的。這三個成功因素如下: 有經驗的專案經理擔任改革領導推動流程轉變及實現業務效益的重要性,瞭解業務推動力的所在及資訊科技項目與改變管理的複雜程度。

Presenting First Case Study on ERP project implementation.      


Presenting Second Case Study on delivering value and ROI on the implementation of a financial reporting software in driving process change and efficiency improvements as part of a comprehensive Finance & Accounting Solutions in supporting future business strategies and objectives.


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