Prosmart Directors Attending 5th Anniversary Celebration Dinner of Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Guangdong, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region



Representing Textile & Garment Information Centre (“TGIC”) within the Office of Hon. Mrs. Sophie LEUNG, GBS, JP, Legislative Council, Hong Kong Administrative Region, Augustine Tsang, Prosmart's Director and David Pun, Prosmart's Learning & Business Development Director attended the 5th Anniversary Celebration Dinner of Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Guangdong, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region which was held in Garden Hotel, Guangzhou on 31 October 2007.

Prosmart has served as the Information Centre's Honorary Business Advisor since 2006. At the celebration dinner, the two directors had a relaxing and enjoyable time socializing with government officials and prominent Hong Kong textile and garment business operators.

綽越顧問有限公司董事曾志祥、學習與業務發展董事潘國樑於2007年11月31日代表香港特別行政區立法局議員梁劉柔芬GBS, JP議員辦事處旗下的紡織製衣諮詢中心出席在廣州花園酒店舉行的慶祝「香港特別行政區政府駐粵經濟貿易辦事處成立五周年」晚會。


Mr. Peter Leung, Director of Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Guangdong delivery his welcome speech.


HKSAR officials based in Guangzhou toasting all guests at the ceremony.


Posing for the photo are (from left to right), Augustine Tsang, Ms. Billy Li, TGIC Supervisor, Mr. Pedro Chan, Mr. & Mrs. H. F. Chan, David Pun, and Ms. May Mok.


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